Stinson SR-8C Update
September, 25th | Posted by Ben
Late yesterday afternoon we raised the wings into place on the Stinson SR-8C project. As you can see, it takes a few hands to handle the massive wings. Thank you for checking in!
Late yesterday afternoon we raised the wings into place on the Stinson SR-8C project. As you can see, it takes a few hands to handle the massive wings. Thank you for checking in!
Scott Woods and Woodson K. Woods took an award with their Stinson Reliant SR-9F at Reno. It was a privilege working with these gentleman to bring the 9 back to life. The Woods family persevered through a journey and restoration … Continue reading
With how busy we have been the past three weeks this post is a little dated. We conducted the first flight of Stearman 128 on 8/31/15. Four hours were put on the aircraft that day. On 9/7 the Stearman was … Continue reading